Vorlage:1945 Sekundärbibliographie Liturgie: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
==== Zu: Liturgiewissenschaft/Liturgische Bewegung ====
# [Englisch] [[Charles Dreisoerner]]: The Psychology of Liturgical Music, [Imprimatur 1942], 1945; 1946 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=85Y6AAAAIAAJ ; zu Romano Guardini:
## S. 1: „Only a few authors, however, - Herwegen und Guardini, for example, - have until now published ex professo studies on philosophy, aesthetic, and psychological aspects of liturgy.“
## S. 16 mit Anmerkung 12 S. 41: „But we must at least remark in passing that the liturgy respects in an outstanding way the primacy of the body at the origin of psychic processes, as well as the continual interdependence of body and mind in their progress and development.[12) […] The union of soul and body that constitutes human nature must appear in human actions and in human prayer. This point is well developed in the first part of R. Guardini, Liturgische Bildung (Rothenfels, 1923)]
## S. 21 mit Anmerkung 20 S. 42: „Even then the synthesis of the individuals into a liturgical community still demands a sacrifice: each must put aside his own particular petitions and feelings for some other time of private prayer, in order to lend himself to what the community action demands of him.[20) Cf. R. Guardini, Vom Geist der Liturgie (Herder, Freiburg, 1939), p. 6-21, 24-26, 36-37; …]“
# [Englisch] [[Richard Heinemann]] presents "Original Magic", 1945 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=fOYNAQAAIAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
# [Englisch] [[Richard Heinemann]] presents "Original Magic", 1945 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=fOYNAQAAIAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
## S. 35: ""How often a quick raising or a slight twitch of the hand says more even than the spoken word," exclaims Romano Guardini, a religious writer. "It appears sometimes as if the spoken word were almost coarse compared with the delicate language of the hands. Of them the Church says that God has given them to us in order that we may carry our souls in them." This expression, to "carry our souls in them" is to be taken very literally. The entire body is an instrument for the expression of our inner selves. Certain parts of the body are better organized and developed than others for this function of expression. Chief among these are the face and hands."
## S. 35: ""How often a quick raising or a slight twitch of the hand says more even than the spoken word," exclaims Romano Guardini, a religious writer. "It appears sometimes as if the spoken word were almost coarse compared with the delicate language of the hands. Of them the Church says that God has given them to us in order that we may carry our souls in them." This expression, to "carry our souls in them" is to be taken very literally. The entire body is an instrument for the expression of our inner selves. Certain parts of the body are better organized and developed than others for this function of expression. Chief among these are the face and hands."

Version vom 19. Februar 2024, 16:21 Uhr

Zu: Liturgiewissenschaft/Liturgische Bewegung

  1. [Englisch] Charles Dreisoerner: The Psychology of Liturgical Music, [Imprimatur 1942], 1945; 1946 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=85Y6AAAAIAAJ ; zu Romano Guardini:
    1. S. 1: „Only a few authors, however, - Herwegen und Guardini, for example, - have until now published ex professo studies on philosophy, aesthetic, and psychological aspects of liturgy.“
    2. S. 16 mit Anmerkung 12 S. 41: „But we must at least remark in passing that the liturgy respects in an outstanding way the primacy of the body at the origin of psychic processes, as well as the continual interdependence of body and mind in their progress and development.[12) […] The union of soul and body that constitutes human nature must appear in human actions and in human prayer. This point is well developed in the first part of R. Guardini, Liturgische Bildung (Rothenfels, 1923)]
    3. S. 21 mit Anmerkung 20 S. 42: „Even then the synthesis of the individuals into a liturgical community still demands a sacrifice: each must put aside his own particular petitions and feelings for some other time of private prayer, in order to lend himself to what the community action demands of him.[20) Cf. R. Guardini, Vom Geist der Liturgie (Herder, Freiburg, 1939), p. 6-21, 24-26, 36-37; …]“
  2. [Englisch] Richard Heinemann presents "Original Magic", 1945 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=fOYNAQAAIAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
    1. S. 35: ""How often a quick raising or a slight twitch of the hand says more even than the spoken word," exclaims Romano Guardini, a religious writer. "It appears sometimes as if the spoken word were almost coarse compared with the delicate language of the hands. Of them the Church says that God has given them to us in order that we may carry our souls in them." This expression, to "carry our souls in them" is to be taken very literally. The entire body is an instrument for the expression of our inner selves. Certain parts of the body are better organized and developed than others for this function of expression. Chief among these are the face and hands."
  3. [Englisch] Gordon Worley Ireson: Church Worship and the Non-churchgoer: A Handbook for Clergy and Teachers, 1945, Abschnitt: Training in Worship [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=5FlbAAAAMAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
    1. S. 62f.: „It is a further characteristic of traditional Christian worship that it is restrained. „Emotion glows in its depths , but it smoulders merely , like the fiery heart of a volcano, whose summit stands out clear and serene against the quiet sky. The liturgy is emotion, but it is emotion under the strictest control' . . . If prayer is ultimately to be fruitful and to a corporate body, it must be intense and profound, but at the same time normally tranquil in tone.“ [1 Romano Guardini, Spirit of the Liturgy, trans. by Ada Lane.]“
  4. [Englisch] Edward Ingram Watkin: The Catholic Centre, 1945 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=-DBiAAAAMAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
    1. S. 16: „Moreover, as Romano Guardini has pointed out, the seemingly formal language of the sacred texts enables the soul to pour out her heart safeguarded by this veil from the too inquisitive intrusion of her neighbour.“

Rezensionen zu: Vom Geist der Liturgie (1918)

  • [1945-008] [Französisch] Pie Duployé/Centre de pastorale liturgique: Le clan routier à la messe (Kurzrezension zu: Guardini, L´esprit de la liturgie), 1945, S. 10 (???) [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=2SwGEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT10:
    • R. GUARDINI: L'esprit de la liturgie. C'est un livre que les routiers cultivés doivent avoir lu. Ils s'arrêteront, en particulier, sur la longue préface à l'édition française de R. d'Harcourt.“
  • [1945-009] [Niederländisch] M. de Furstenberg (Maximilien de Fürstenberg): Rezension zu: Guardini, De geest der liturgie (Vom Geist der Liturgie, ndld.), in: La Vie diocésaine, 30, 1945, S. 332 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=LNtqO5S6j4sC; zu Romano Guardini:
    • S. 332: „Romano GUARDINI. De Geest der Liturgie. Uit het Duitsch vertaald door een Kanunnikes van het H. Graf te Turnhout. 218 blz. 19 × 11. Turnhout, N. V. Etablissementen Brepols, (1940). Pr. ingen. 16 fr.; geb. 22 fr. Het is voor ons een waar genoegen deze Nederlandsche vertaling van het welbekende en hooggeprezen werkje van R. Guardini …“ (muss noch am Original vervollständigt werden)
  • [1945-010] [Niederländisch]: Theologie en Liturgie (Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Geist der Liturgie, ndld.), in: Kultuurleven. Maandschrift voor hernieuwing der geesteskultuur, 12, 1945, S. 135 ff. [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=pemmvuSjHtUC; zu Romano Guardini:
    • S. 135 f.: „Een Werk dat velen den waren geest der Liturgie zal doen kennen en aanvoelen, is De geest der Liturgie van Rom. Guardini, - uit het Duitsch vertaald door een kannunikes van het H. Graf, Turnhout, Brepols, 1940. Een zeer knappe vertaling van origineele en diepzinnige studies over liturgisch bidden, liturgische gemeenschap en -symboliek, liturgie als spel, de ernst der liturgie. R. d´Harcourt schetst daarbij in een interessante inleidung de rol van Guardini in de liturgische Beweging.“
  • [1945-011] [Niederländisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, De geest der liturgie, 2de druk, in: Kultuurleven. Maandschrift voor hernieuwing der geesteskultuur, 12, 1945, S. 279 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=pemmvuSjHtUC; zu Romano Guardini:
    • S. 279: „Hoewel, zooals uit de leerzame Inleiding van R D´Harcourt duidelijk blijkt, uit specifiek-Duitsche tijdsnoodwendigheden onstaan, blijft, ook na de felle groei der liturgische belangstelling, het werk van Guardini van eerste rang. Wie de Duitsche tekst ooit onder het oog had, zal de lenigheid der vertaling prijzen.“


Rezensionen zu: Ein Wort zur liturgischen Frage (1940)
