Vorlage:1948 Rezensionen Der Tod des Sokrates: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
(3 dazwischenliegende Versionen desselben Benutzers werden nicht angezeigt)
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
# [Englisch] Ready, and almost ready (Kurz-Rezension zu: Guardini, The Death of Socrates), in: [[America]], 79, 1948, 24. April, S. 60 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=SBwQAAAAIAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
* [1948-091] [Englisch] Ready, and almost ready (Kurz-Rezension zu: Guardini, The Death of Socrates), in: [[America]], 79, 1948, 24. April, S. 60 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=SBwQAAAAIAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
## S. 60: „Romano Guardini we all know as one of the most attractive of writers on the liturgy. Well, we have just published a book by him, called, of all things, THE DEATH OF SOCRATES ($ 3.00). In it he gives us four of the dialogues of Plato with a running commentary, in the course of which he covers every aspect of the Christian idea of death. Between Guardini and Socrates, it manages to be an extraordinarily cheerful book.“
** S. 60: „Romano Guardini we all know as one of the most attractive of writers on the liturgy. Well, we have just published a book by him, called, of all things, THE DEATH OF SOCRATES ($ 3.00). In it he gives us four of the dialogues of Plato with a running commentary, in the course of which he covers every aspect of the Christian idea of death. Between Guardini and Socrates, it manages to be an extraordinarily cheerful book.“
# Eb: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[„Berg-Skopus.“ Blatt der jüdischen Studentenschaft der britischen Zone]], 1948, 6, S. 8 [Mercker 3112] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]  
* [1948-092] Eb: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[„Berg-Skopus.“ Blatt der jüdischen Studentenschaft der britischen Zone]], 1948, 6, S. 8 [Mercker 3112] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]  
# [Französisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[Documents]]. Paris/Offenburg, 3, 1948, 7/8, S. 630f. [Gerner 339] - [Rezension] - https://www.dokumente-documents.info/fileadmin/uploads/tx_ewsdokumente/doc_1948_07_08_ausgabe_01.pdf
* [1948-093] [Französisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[Documents]]. Paris/Offenburg, 3, 1948, 7/8, S. 630f. [Gerner 339] - [Rezension] - https://www.dokumente-documents.info/fileadmin/uploads/tx_ewsdokumente/doc_1948_07_08_ausgabe_01.pdf
# Das beste Buch. Umfrage - Urteil - Unsere Leser sollen prüfen. Staatsintendant Alois Johannes Lippl: Romano Guardini: „Der Tod des Sokrates“. Eine Interpretation der platonischen Schriften. (Keine Erläuterung nötig), in: [[Echo der Woche]], München, 2, 1948, 71 (17. Dezember 1948), S. 9 [Gerner 262] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]  
* [1948-094] Das beste Buch. Umfrage - Urteil - Unsere Leser sollen prüfen. Staatsintendant Alois Johannes Lippl: Romano Guardini: „Der Tod des Sokrates“. Eine Interpretation der platonischen Schriften. (Keine Erläuterung nötig), in: [[Echo der Woche]], München, 2, 1948, 71 (17. Dezember 1948), S. 9 [Gerner 262] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]  
# [[Hans Gerstinger]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft]], 3, 1950, S. 109-111 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=2h_gAAAAMAAJ
* [1948-095] [[Hans Gerstinger]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft]], 3, 1950, S. 109-111 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=2h_gAAAAMAAJ
# P. H. ([[Paul Hühnerfeld]]): Abendländisches Denken (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates), in: [[Die Zeit]], Hamburg, 1948, 16. September [Mercker 3113, bei Mercker ohne Autorenangabe] - [Rezension] - https://www.zeit.de/1948/38/abendlaendisches-denken
* [1948-096] P. H. ([[Paul Hühnerfeld]]): Abendländisches Denken (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates), in: [[Die Zeit]], Hamburg, 1948, 16. September [Mercker 3113, bei Mercker ohne Autorenangabe] - [Rezension] - https://www.zeit.de/1948/38/abendlaendisches-denken
# [[Hans Kudszus]]: Der große Prozess (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates), in: [[Der Tagesspiegel]], Berlin, 1948, 25. April [Mercker 3119] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]  
* [1948-097] [[Hans Kudszus]]: Der große Prozess (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates), in: [[Der Tagesspiegel]], Berlin, 1948, 25. April [Mercker 3119] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]  
# [Englisch] [[Helmut Kuhn]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[German books]]. A selective critical bibliography of publications in German, Chicago, 1, 1948, S. 71-73 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=_v9FAQAAIAAJ
* [1948-098] [Englisch] [[Helmut Kuhn]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[German books]]. A selective critical bibliography of publications in German, Chicago, 1, 1948, S. 71 f. [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=_v9FAQAAIAAJ
# [Englisch] C.E.S.: The Godly Pagan (Rezension zu: Guardini, The death of Socrate), in: [[The Living Church]], 117, 1948, 26. September, S. 21 [neu aufgenommen] [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=RFfkAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA12-PA21:  
* [1948-099] [Englisch] Kurzrezension zu: Guardini, The death of Socrates, in: [[Library Journal]], 73, 1948, S. 872 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=vykI0rEWTloC:
## S. 21: „The method of this book is the conventional and fruitful one of setting out the text of a classic and interspersing it with a a running commentary and exposition. The text in this case consists of four dialogues of Plato: the Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo. Guardini believes, and demonstrates pretty cogently, that the wisdom of Socrates (referred to hereunder as Socrates-Plato) is in its essence religious wisdom rather than essentially rational wisdom. He interprets Socrates-Plato as an intuitive thinker. The great Platonic arguments for the immortality of the soul and the reality of the eternal "Ideas" are logically developed in the dialogues, but they all ultimately take their start from what the Christian would call the insights of faith. This is the reason for their unending religious significance and appeal. There is a profound „natural piety“ in Socrates-Plato. Henry Mencken calls this quality of his, in an impish but memorable phrase, „labored Peck-sniffery“! Certainly it must appear as something like that to any reader who has no religious instinct. The commentary of this work is sound and thorough, but it must be read with extreme carefulness if you are to follow Guardini´s reasoning. It is not altogether free from certain stiffness and turgidity of style, though the fact that it is a translation from German probably accounts fort hat; and certainly it is more lucid than most translations of German works on abstract subjects. If you will read this book with the necessary care you will have a rich reward. After all, „the word of the master“ is here in the text, and if you find Guardini a bit hard to follow here and there you can always turn to Plato for clarification! If you put yourself into your reading you will probably lay the book down with a greater love for, and understanding of, Socrates: that gay and godly pagan whom to know is a joy and a cordial, and who through the ages continues to play so noble a part in the Preparation of the Gospel.“
** S. 872: „Between Guardini and Socrates, the book is unexpectedly good fun.“
# [Englisch] [[James A. Magner]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, The death of Scorates, in: [[The American Ecclesiastical Review]], 119, 1948, S. 316 f. [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezenzsion] - https://books.google.de/books?id=APrNAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA316
* [1948-100] [Englisch] C.E.S.: The Godly Pagan (Rezension zu: Guardini, The death of Socrate), in: [[The Living Church]], 117, 1948, 26. September, S. 21 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=RFfkAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA12-PA21:
# Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[Die Neue Zeit]], München, 4, 1948, 43 (30. Mai 1948), S. 4 [Gerner 339] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]  
** S. 21: „The method of this book is the conventional and fruitful one of setting out the text of a classic and interspersing it with a a running commentary and exposition. The text in this case consists of four dialogues of Plato: the Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo. Guardini believes, and demonstrates pretty cogently, that the wisdom of Socrates (referred to hereunder as Socrates-Plato) is in its essence religious wisdom rather than essentially rational wisdom. He interprets Socrates-Plato as an intuitive thinker. The great Platonic arguments for the immortality of the soul and the reality of the eternal "Ideas" are logically developed in the dialogues, but they all ultimately take their start from what the Christian would call the insights of faith. This is the reason for their unending religious significance and appeal. There is a profound „natural piety“ in Socrates-Plato. Henry Mencken calls this quality of his, in an impish but memorable phrase, „labored Peck-sniffery“! Certainly it must appear as something like that to any reader who has no religious instinct. The commentary of this work is sound and thorough, but it must be read with extreme carefulness if you are to follow Guardini´s reasoning. It is not altogether free from certain stiffness and turgidity of style, though the fact that it is a translation from German probably accounts fort hat; and certainly it is more lucid than most translations of German works on abstract subjects. If you will read this book with the necessary care you will have a rich reward. After all, „the word of the master“ is here in the text, and if you find Guardini a bit hard to follow here and there you can always turn to Plato for clarification! If you put yourself into your reading you will probably lay the book down with a greater love for, and understanding of, Socrates: that gay and godly pagan whom to know is a joy and a cordial, and who through the ages continues to play so noble a part in the Preparation of the Gospel.“
# Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[Neues Abendland]], Augsburg, 3, 1948, 9, S. 287 [Gerner 339] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]  
* [1948-101] [Englisch] [[James A. Magner]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, The death of Scorates, in: [[The American Ecclesiastical Review]], 119, 1948, S. 316 f. [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=APrNAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA316
# [Englisch] [[Edwin A. Quain]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: [[America]], New York, 79, 1948, 6. November, S. 135 [Mercker 3127, bei Mercker versehentlich „National catholic weekly“ statt „America“] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=SBwQAAAAIAAJ;
* [1948-102] Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[Die Neue Zeit]], München, 4, 1948, 43 (30. Mai 1948), S. 4 [Gerner 339] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]  
# [Englisch] [[Hans A. Reinhold]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: [[Commonweal]], New York, 48, 1948, 13. August, S. 432 [Mercker 3128] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=JGEQAAAAIAAJ;
* [1948-103] Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[Neues Abendland]], Augsburg, 3, 1948, 9, S. 287 [Gerner 339] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]  
# [Englisch] [[Dorothy Tarrant]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: [[The Hibbert Journal]], London, 46, 1947/48, April 1948, S. 281f. [Mercker 3129] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=REoMAQAAIAAJ;
* [1948-104] [Englisch] [[Edwin A. Quain]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: [[America]], New York, 79, 1948, 6. November, S. 135 [Mercker 3127, bei Mercker versehentlich „National catholic weekly“ statt „America“] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=SBwQAAAAIAAJ;
# [Englisch] Platonic Thought (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl.), in: [[The Times]]. Literary supplement, 1948, 22. Mai, S. 293 [Mercker 3130] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht on-line]
* [1948-105] [Englisch] [[Hans A. Reinhold]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: [[Commonweal]], New York, 48, 1948, 13. August, S. 432 [Mercker 3128] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=JGEQAAAAIAAJ
# [Englisch] [[H. L. Varley]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: [[Springfield Republicain]], Springfield (Mass.), 1948, 4. Juli, S. 10 A [Mercker 3131] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
** S. 343: "Guardini calls this masterful composition in his spectacular modesty: An interpretation of the Platonic Dialogues, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo. Mr. Wrighton has translated Guardini's work so well that it reads like an original. He has lost none of that deliberate shading and masterful weighing of Guardini for which he has become so famous. I am not in a position to say whether or not Guardini has thrown new light on the Death of Socrates, but one thing is certain, that none of his thoughts or words are superfluous and that the priest and Christian Guardini, without claiming the sage of Athens with a sleight-of-hand or rejecting him as a pagan, has focused his whole life for all times to come."
# [Englisch] [[Joachim Wach]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[German books]]. A selective critical bibliography of publications in German, Chicago, 1, 1948, S. 48 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=_v9FAQAAIAAJ
* [1948-106] [Englisch] [[Dorothy Tarrant]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: [[The Hibbert Journal]], London, 46, 1947/48, April 1948, S. 281f. [Mercker 3129] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=REoMAQAAIAAJ
** "The author's study of the argument, in its several stages, is often valuable. His treatment of the Theory of Ideas is of special interest and importance. … There is much in Mr. Guardini´s book that is worthy of attention and of praise. Above all he has done wellt o guide his readers back to a great theme, and to offer fresh suggestions, if ot for the solution of its problems at least for the assimilation of its spirit in terms of the thought of to-day. "
* [1948-107] [Englisch] Platonic Thought (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl.), in: [[The Times]]. Literary supplement, 1948, 22. Mai, S. 293 [Mercker 3130] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
** "As an introduction tot he great controlling ideas of Platonism the book can be recommended. In making contact with the figure of Socrates the author makes contact with and illumines the foundations of that philosophy … Even those who cannot in the end accept Plato´s thinking can hardly fall to realize, on putting this book down, that something of what it means to think Platonically haas been revealed to them. The translation oft he dialogues is that made by F. J. Church for his Trial and Death of Socrates. The author´s text is translated from the German, but Mr. Basil Wrighton has done his work so well that the fact is not apparent."
* [1948-108] [Englisch] [[H. L. Varley]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: [[Springfield Republicain]], Springfield (Mass.), 1948, 4. Juli, S. 10 A [Mercker 3131] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
* [1948-109] [Englisch] [[Joachim Wach]]: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: [[German books]]. A selective critical bibliography of publications in German, Chicago, 1, 1948, S. 48 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=_v9FAQAAIAAJ

Aktuelle Version vom 7. Mai 2024, 12:56 Uhr

  • [1948-091] [Englisch] Ready, and almost ready (Kurz-Rezension zu: Guardini, The Death of Socrates), in: America, 79, 1948, 24. April, S. 60 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=SBwQAAAAIAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
    • S. 60: „Romano Guardini we all know as one of the most attractive of writers on the liturgy. Well, we have just published a book by him, called, of all things, THE DEATH OF SOCRATES ($ 3.00). In it he gives us four of the dialogues of Plato with a running commentary, in the course of which he covers every aspect of the Christian idea of death. Between Guardini and Socrates, it manages to be an extraordinarily cheerful book.“
  • [1948-092] Eb: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: „Berg-Skopus.“ Blatt der jüdischen Studentenschaft der britischen Zone, 1948, 6, S. 8 [Mercker 3112] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1948-093] [Französisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: Documents. Paris/Offenburg, 3, 1948, 7/8, S. 630f. [Gerner 339] - [Rezension] - https://www.dokumente-documents.info/fileadmin/uploads/tx_ewsdokumente/doc_1948_07_08_ausgabe_01.pdf
  • [1948-094] Das beste Buch. Umfrage - Urteil - Unsere Leser sollen prüfen. Staatsintendant Alois Johannes Lippl: Romano Guardini: „Der Tod des Sokrates“. Eine Interpretation der platonischen Schriften. (Keine Erläuterung nötig), in: Echo der Woche, München, 2, 1948, 71 (17. Dezember 1948), S. 9 [Gerner 262] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1948-095] Hans Gerstinger: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, 3, 1950, S. 109-111 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=2h_gAAAAMAAJ
  • [1948-096] P. H. (Paul Hühnerfeld): Abendländisches Denken (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates), in: Die Zeit, Hamburg, 1948, 16. September [Mercker 3113, bei Mercker ohne Autorenangabe] - [Rezension] - https://www.zeit.de/1948/38/abendlaendisches-denken
  • [1948-097] Hans Kudszus: Der große Prozess (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates), in: Der Tagesspiegel, Berlin, 1948, 25. April [Mercker 3119] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1948-098] [Englisch] Helmut Kuhn: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: German books. A selective critical bibliography of publications in German, Chicago, 1, 1948, S. 71 f. [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=_v9FAQAAIAAJ
  • [1948-099] [Englisch] Kurzrezension zu: Guardini, The death of Socrates, in: Library Journal, 73, 1948, S. 872 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=vykI0rEWTloC:
    • S. 872: „Between Guardini and Socrates, the book is unexpectedly good fun.“
  • [1948-100] [Englisch] C.E.S.: The Godly Pagan (Rezension zu: Guardini, The death of Socrate), in: The Living Church, 117, 1948, 26. September, S. 21 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=RFfkAAAAMAAJ&pg=RA12-PA21:
    • S. 21: „The method of this book is the conventional and fruitful one of setting out the text of a classic and interspersing it with a a running commentary and exposition. The text in this case consists of four dialogues of Plato: the Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo. Guardini believes, and demonstrates pretty cogently, that the wisdom of Socrates (referred to hereunder as Socrates-Plato) is in its essence religious wisdom rather than essentially rational wisdom. He interprets Socrates-Plato as an intuitive thinker. The great Platonic arguments for the immortality of the soul and the reality of the eternal "Ideas" are logically developed in the dialogues, but they all ultimately take their start from what the Christian would call the insights of faith. This is the reason for their unending religious significance and appeal. There is a profound „natural piety“ in Socrates-Plato. Henry Mencken calls this quality of his, in an impish but memorable phrase, „labored Peck-sniffery“! Certainly it must appear as something like that to any reader who has no religious instinct. The commentary of this work is sound and thorough, but it must be read with extreme carefulness if you are to follow Guardini´s reasoning. It is not altogether free from certain stiffness and turgidity of style, though the fact that it is a translation from German probably accounts fort hat; and certainly it is more lucid than most translations of German works on abstract subjects. If you will read this book with the necessary care you will have a rich reward. After all, „the word of the master“ is here in the text, and if you find Guardini a bit hard to follow here and there you can always turn to Plato for clarification! If you put yourself into your reading you will probably lay the book down with a greater love for, and understanding of, Socrates: that gay and godly pagan whom to know is a joy and a cordial, and who through the ages continues to play so noble a part in the Preparation of the Gospel.“
  • [1948-101] [Englisch] James A. Magner: Rezension zu: Guardini, The death of Scorates, in: The American Ecclesiastical Review, 119, 1948, S. 316 f. [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=APrNAAAAMAAJ&pg=PA316
  • [1948-102] Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: Die Neue Zeit, München, 4, 1948, 43 (30. Mai 1948), S. 4 [Gerner 339] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1948-103] Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: Neues Abendland, Augsburg, 3, 1948, 9, S. 287 [Gerner 339] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1948-104] [Englisch] Edwin A. Quain: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: America, New York, 79, 1948, 6. November, S. 135 [Mercker 3127, bei Mercker versehentlich „National catholic weekly“ statt „America“] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=SBwQAAAAIAAJ;
  • [1948-105] [Englisch] Hans A. Reinhold: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: Commonweal, New York, 48, 1948, 13. August, S. 432 [Mercker 3128] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=JGEQAAAAIAAJ
    • S. 343: "Guardini calls this masterful composition in his spectacular modesty: An interpretation of the Platonic Dialogues, Euthyphro, Apology, Crito and Phaedo. Mr. Wrighton has translated Guardini's work so well that it reads like an original. He has lost none of that deliberate shading and masterful weighing of Guardini for which he has become so famous. I am not in a position to say whether or not Guardini has thrown new light on the Death of Socrates, but one thing is certain, that none of his thoughts or words are superfluous and that the priest and Christian Guardini, without claiming the sage of Athens with a sleight-of-hand or rejecting him as a pagan, has focused his whole life for all times to come."
  • [1948-106] [Englisch] Dorothy Tarrant: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: The Hibbert Journal, London, 46, 1947/48, April 1948, S. 281f. [Mercker 3129] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=REoMAQAAIAAJ
    • "The author's study of the argument, in its several stages, is often valuable. His treatment of the Theory of Ideas is of special interest and importance. … There is much in Mr. Guardini´s book that is worthy of attention and of praise. Above all he has done wellt o guide his readers back to a great theme, and to offer fresh suggestions, if ot for the solution of its problems at least for the assimilation of its spirit in terms of the thought of to-day. "
  • [1948-107] [Englisch] Platonic Thought (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl.), in: The Times. Literary supplement, 1948, 22. Mai, S. 293 [Mercker 3130] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
    • "As an introduction tot he great controlling ideas of Platonism the book can be recommended. In making contact with the figure of Socrates the author makes contact with and illumines the foundations of that philosophy … Even those who cannot in the end accept Plato´s thinking can hardly fall to realize, on putting this book down, that something of what it means to think Platonically haas been revealed to them. The translation oft he dialogues is that made by F. J. Church for his Trial and Death of Socrates. The author´s text is translated from the German, but Mr. Basil Wrighton has done his work so well that the fact is not apparent."
  • [1948-108] [Englisch] H. L. Varley: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, engl., in: Springfield Republicain, Springfield (Mass.), 1948, 4. Juli, S. 10 A [Mercker 3131] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1948-109] [Englisch] Joachim Wach: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: German books. A selective critical bibliography of publications in German, Chicago, 1, 1948, S. 48 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=_v9FAQAAIAAJ