Vorlage:1950 Sekundärbibliographie Philosophie: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
Zeile 1: Zeile 1:
# [1950-000] [Englisch] [[Jean Daniélou]]: The Conception of History in the Christian Tadition, in: On the Meaning of History. Papers of the Ecumenical Institute (Geneva: The Ecumenical Institute, 1949), 1950, S. 67-79 [neu aufgenommen] – [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=c9NKAAAAMAAJ; auch in: The Journal of Religion, 30, 1950, S. 171-179 [neu aufgenommen] – [Artikel] – [noch nicht online]; zu Romano Guardini:
## S. 78: „The fault of the pagan religions is in not knowing how to efface themselves in the face of the revealed religion. Here we see that Guardini calls the drama of the precursors. The proper role of precursors is to efface themselves before that which must succeed them. So John the Baptist before Jesus, and so, in a parallel scene, at the juncture of the cosmic.“
* [1950-000] [[Hermann Diem]]: Die Existenzdialektik, 1950 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=IKPRAAAAMAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
* [1950-000] [[Hermann Diem]]: Die Existenzdialektik, 1950 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=IKPRAAAAMAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
** S. 2 f.: „Seit die Katholiken Theodor Häcker, Romano Guardini, Erich Przywara u. a. sich mit Kierkegaards Werk befaßt haben, ist von daher ein neuer Anstoß in die Kontroverstheologie gekommen[4. … Romano Guardini, Der Ausgangspunkt der Denkbewegung bei Sören Kierkegaard, Hochland, 24. Jahrg., S. 12 ff. …]
** S. 2 f.: „Seit die Katholiken Theodor Häcker, Romano Guardini, Erich Przywara u. a. sich mit Kierkegaards Werk befaßt haben, ist von daher ein neuer Anstoß in die Kontroverstheologie gekommen[4. … Romano Guardini, Der Ausgangspunkt der Denkbewegung bei Sören Kierkegaard, Hochland, 24. Jahrg., S. 12 ff. …]

Version vom 6. Juni 2024, 14:41 Uhr

  1. [1950-000] [Englisch] Jean Daniélou: The Conception of History in the Christian Tadition, in: On the Meaning of History. Papers of the Ecumenical Institute (Geneva: The Ecumenical Institute, 1949), 1950, S. 67-79 [neu aufgenommen] – [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=c9NKAAAAMAAJ; auch in: The Journal of Religion, 30, 1950, S. 171-179 [neu aufgenommen] – [Artikel] – [noch nicht online]; zu Romano Guardini:
    1. S. 78: „The fault of the pagan religions is in not knowing how to efface themselves in the face of the revealed religion. Here we see that Guardini calls the drama of the precursors. The proper role of precursors is to efface themselves before that which must succeed them. So John the Baptist before Jesus, and so, in a parallel scene, at the juncture of the cosmic.“

Rezensionen zu: Vom Sinn der Schwermut (1928/1949)


Rezensionen zu: Der Tod des Sokrates (1943)

  • [1950-226] Hans Gerstinger: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: Anzeiger für die Altertumswissenschaft, 3, 1950, S. 110f. [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=-yLVAAAAMAAJ
  • [1950-227] [Englisch] Theodor E. James: Rezension zu: Guardini, The Death of Socrates, in: The Catholic Library World, 22, 1950/51, 1 (Oktober 1950), S. 28 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=qOvHAAAAIAAJ, https://books.google.de/books?id=-2saAAAAMAAJ oder https://archive.org/details/sim_catholic-library-world_1950-10_22_1/page/28/mode/2up:
    • S. 28: „The theme of death has been treated in every known literary form and from every possible aspect by poets, dramatists, novelists, scholars, historians, and masters of the religious life. Father Guardini gives us her a philosopher´s view of death, not in the abstract but in a concrete historical setting. The philosopher is actually dying to life and living through death. The author brings out in a clear , concise , and profound way how the death of Socrates is actually a fulfillment of the depths of his philosophical quest . By death the master of Plato will pass through the last barrier to the heights of the noetic union with the absolutes and the ideas and through them to the Absolute of absolutes, the Good Itself, in itself. By means of a skillful synthesis of significant passages from the four Platonic Dialogues Euthyphro, Apology, Crito, and Phaedo - we relive the accusation, trial, and triumph of Socrates. In the first, he stands out in bold contrast with Euthyphro, the symbol of an irrational adherence to customary, anthropomorphic, outmoded, and unscientific religious myth. In the second, we see the polar difference between Socrates and the representatives of a life centered on power, wealth, and success to the detriment of virtue. In the Crito, the social responsibility of Socrates' way of life stands out in opposition to political opportunism. In the Phaedo, the driving , dynamic basis of his life becomes apparent when he explains his intelligent insight into the immortal nature of his soul and the meaning of life. Father Guardini has accomplished his purpose well; he has given a philosophical interpretation of the contents of these Dialogues within the framework of the death of a philosopher and has thereby brought that content closer to the truth itself, howsoever it is dramatized in them.“
  • [1950-228] [Englisch] Albin Lesky: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Tod des Sokrates, in: Erasmus. Speculum Scientarium, 3, 1949/50, (1950), S. 279-281 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=x-_yAAAAMAAJ
  • [1950-229] Erik Wolf: Griechisches Rechtsdenken: Band 3, Teil 1: Rechtphilosophie der Soleratik und Rechtsdichtung der Alten Komödie, 1950 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=8CYsAQAAMAAJ oder https://books.google.de/books?id=DIsrAQAAIAAJ; zu Romano Guardini in I. Abschnitt: Rechtsphilosophie der Sokratik. 1. Kapitel: Ihr Idealtypus: Sokrates, S. 9-69 (S. 9, 22, 32, 47, 49, 51 und 62)
  • [1950-230] Erik Wolf: Griechisches Rechtsdenken, Band 4, Teil 1: Platon. Frühdialoge und Politeia, 1950 [neu aufgenommen] – [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=udmtAAAAMAAJ; zu Romano Guardini im Ersten Teil: Das Vorbild des platonischen quλóooqos roλitixóσ im sokratischen лaιdaywyds roλitixó S. 33-87 (S. 33, 38, 42, 46, 52, 63 und 75)


Rezensionen zu: Der Heilbringer in Mythus, Offenbarung und Politik (1946)


Rezensionen zu: Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal (1948)

  • [1950-232] [Englisch] Alfons Beil: Rezension zu: Guardini, Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal, in: Renascence, 3, 1950, S. 57 f. (ins Englsiche übersetzt von Joseph Schwarz) [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=tq23g5-wC7AC oder https://www.pdcnet.org/renascence/content/renascence_1950_0003_0001_0057_0058:
    • S. 57 f.: "Guardini presents this latest of his works as only an attempt at an interpretation of human existence. But we know that we would find more: an abundance of penetrating insights, subtle but always vital distinctions and correspondences, and an overwhelming wisdom of life. And all this in a simple and unpretentious language, that really serves the truths it conveys, and so bringst hem home to us making us stop and think ever so often. Speaking (in the chapter on grace) of creativeness, of inspiration and accomplishment, this book make us realize that only he who knows from experience can thus speak of creative work and give such a good example of it. In his three chapters, Guardini inquires into the problems of freedom, grace, destiny, first on the natural plane, both moral and religious in a universal sense; then he investigates their importance for the Christian life in the light of the supernatural. His method is at first "phenomenological"; he describes, in his well-known piercing exactness, the respective facts and data, natural and revealed. But very often also he deals with these problems philosophically in the proper sense of the word. Thus, for example, he speaks about the logical implications of the free act. Once he warns us against "a-philosophical theologians"; another time, when speaking of the alleged non-validity of the principle of causality of the microcosm, against a-philosophical scientists, although he doesn't use the term. But his controversial discussions are al- ways courteous: he fights as though he didn't. Again and again we have to face paradoxical, startling, challenging statements. Thus he says: In St. Paul's trusting the God that approaches him in Jesus Christ, in the apostle's giving Him room, God Himself becomes free. Or: God, in loving the world, suffers destiny. But each time the assertion loses ist startling character through a careful and deep-going explanation. Guardini´s presentations never loses contact with our present time. There is hardly a significant event or an important phenomenon of our days which he doesn´t touch upon in the course of his interpretations. Here it will be of interest, especially for the American reader to notice that Guardini is a Christian and a priest who never for a moment has bowed tot he demons of those twelve years of horror. His integrity has come out oft hat time untouched, and he certainly need not be ashamed of anything he spoke or wrote then. What he now says of the free action as a task and of the limits of freedom will therefore be all the more significant. Guardini's book is a fruit of a mind that is wide open to reality and singularly free from illusions. But for this very reason and in spite of many a disturbing statement there is no trace of a paralysing pessimism. We feel the deep, quiet breath of faith which is the victory over the world, ex- pressly summed up in the last lines of the book: "For in hope were we saved. But hope that is seen, is not hope. For how can a man hope for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.“
  • [1950-233] Rezension zu: Guardini, Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal, in: Christ und Welt, Stuttgart, 3, 1950, 4 (26. Januar 1950), S. 11 [Gerner 354] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1950-234] Um menschliche und christliche Existenz, in: Der christliche Sonntag, Freiburg, 2, 1950, 34, 20. August (Rezension zu: Guardini, Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal) [Mercker 3324] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1950-235] Rezension zu: Guardini, Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal, in: Die Union. Zeitung der christlich-demokratischen Union, Dresden, 5, 1950, 4. Oktober [Mercker 3325] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1950-236] Franz König: Rezension zu: Guardini, Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal, in: Die Zeit im Buch, Wien, 3, 1950, 4, 26. Januar [Mercker 3334] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1950-237] Damasus Zähringer: Rezension zu: Guardini, Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal, in: Benediktinische Monatsschrift, Beuron, 26, 1950, S. 326-327 [Mercker 3341] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=jgEUAAAAIAAJ
  • [1950-238] Hermann Zeller: Rezension zu: Guardini, Freiheit, Gnade, Schicksal, in: Zeitschrift für katholische Theologie, Innsbruck, 72, 1950, S. 245 [Mercker 3342] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]


Rezensionen zu: Das Ende der Neuzeit (1950)


Vortrag in Calw über Politische Erziehung

  1. Einladung zur „Tagung für politische Erziehung“ 16. bis 19. Mai 1950 in der Staatlichen Akademie (für Lehrerweiterbildung) in Calw/Württemberg, in: Pädagogische Rundschau, Ratingen, 4, 1949/50, (wohl März 1950), S. 285 [historisch relevant]: Prof. Guardini unter den Vortragenden angekündigt [Gerner 265] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]