Vorlage:1954 Sekundärbibliographie Theologie
Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
Version vom 23. Mai 2023, 11:11 Uhr von Helmut Zenz (Diskussion | Beiträge) (→Rezensionen zu: Lucie Christine (1921))
- [Französisch] Jeanne Ancelet-Hustache: ???, in: Les Editions du Seuil, Paris, 1954, S. 9 [Mercker 1885] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
- [Französisch] Henri Daniel-Rops: Histoire de l´ église du Christ, Band 4: L´ église de la Renaissance et de la Réforme, (2)1954, zu Romano Guardini S. 495-497 (Bezug zu: Guardini, Das Ende der Neuzeit) [neu aufgenommen] - [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=-yUPAQAAIAAJ;
- [Französisch] Henri de Lubac: Méditations sur l´ Église, Paris 1953; 1962 [neu aufgenommen] - [Monographie] - [noch nicht online]; deutsch unter dem Titel: Betrachtungen über die Kirche, Graz/Wien/Köln 1954, zu Romano Guardini S. ??? [neu aufgenommen] - [Monographie] - [noch nicht online]; [Italienisch] unter dem Titel: Meditazione sulla Chiesa, Mailand 1963; 1965; 1978; 1979; 1980 u.ö. [neu aufgenommen] - [Monographie] - [noch nicht online]; [Italienisch] 1993, zu Romano Guardini S. 12 [neu aufgenommen] - [Monographie] - [noch nicht online]; [Italienisch] 2014 [Monographie] - [noch nicht online]
- [Englisch] Frank O´ Malley: The Culture of the Church, in:(The) Review of politics, Notre Dame (ind.), 16, 1954, S. 131-154, zu Romano Guardini S. ??? [neu aufgenommen] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
Rezensionen zu: Vom Wesen katholischer Weltanschauung (1923/1953)
- [1954-136] Leon von Kukowski: Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Wesen katholischer Weltanschauung, in: Klerusblatt, München/Eichstätt???, 34, 1954, 34 (1. Juli 1954) S. 224 [Mercker 3801] und [Gerner 397] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- [1954-137] Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Wesen katholischer Weltanschauung, in: Lebendiges Zeugnis, Paderborn, Sommersemester 1954, 1 (Mai 1954), S. 55 [Gerner 397] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- [1954-138] Ernst Merz: Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Wesen katholischer Weltanschauung, in: Das Bücherblatt, Zürich, 1954 (5. November 1954) [Gerner 397] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- [1954-139] Marc Reinert: Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Wesen katholischer Weltanschauung, in: Schweizer Rundschau, Zürich???, 54, 1954/55, 8 (November 1954), S. 478 [Gerner 397] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=X-oIAQAAIAAJ
- [1954-140] Georg Schückler: Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Wesen katholischer Weltanschauung, in: Begegnung, Köln, 9, 1954, 3 (1. Februar 1954), S. 47 [Gerner 397] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- [1954-141] E. Stakemeier: Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Wesen katholischer Weltanschauung, in: Theologie und Glaube, Paderborn, 44, 1954, 4, S. 295-296 [Mercker 3802] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=zyJZClcbYVsC;
- [1954-142] Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Wesen katholischer Weltanschauung, in: Werkhefte für katholische Laienarbeit, Aschaffenburg, 8, 1954, 8 (Juli 1954), S. 167-168 („Katholische Weltanschauung?“) [Gerner 397] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
Rezensionen zu: Madeleine Sémer (1929)
- [1954-143] Paul Schütt: Rezension zu: Klein, Madeleine Sémer, in: Trierer theologische Zeitschrift, 63, 1954, S. 64 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=vsQtAAAAYAAJ
Rezensionen zu: Vom lebendigen Gott (1930)
- [1954-144] [Niederländisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom lebendigen Gott, niederl., in: Kulturleeven, Antwerpen, 21, 1954, S. 700 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=85okAQAAIAAJ
- [1954-145] [Niederländisch] E.T.: Rezension zu: God, de koning voor wie alles leeft (Vom lebendigen Gott, ndld.), in: Lektuurgids. Bibliografisch tijdscchrift, 1, 1954, S. 84 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=onxMAQAAIAAJ;
- S. 84: „54/310 … Tien toespraken die morele moed en overtuiging om lezen vragen. Stellig, het gaat hier om teksten die in feite moeten gehóórd worden, doch zulks belet niet dat veel woorden hun dekking missen. Hoezeer de problematiek ook mag boeien het ontmoedigt de lezer dat de auteur een befaamdheid alleszins geen meer levende weg aanwijst om de levende God te peilen. Dit doel wordt alvast niet bereikt door de rede in de rug te stoten. Voor wie nooit eerder Guardini las, zouden we liever de H. Schrift aanbevelen. [E.T.]
Rezensionen zu: Vom Leben des Glaubens (1932/35)
Bisher keine Funde
Rezensionen zu: Wille und Wahrheit (1933)
- [1954-146] Rezension zu: Guardini, Wille und Wahrheit, in: Petrusblatt, Berlin, 10, 1954, 49 (5. Dezember), S. 13 [Gerner 403] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
Rezensionen zu: Aus dem Leben des Herrn (1933/36)/Der Herr (1937)
- [1954-147] [Englisch] Kurz-Rezension zu: Guardini, The Lord, in: Current Religious Thought, 14, 1954, S. 30 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=SkwxmK5_4ugC;
- S. 30: „A long awaited translation of Monsignor Guardini´s greatest book, a series of moving and probing meditations on the life and teaching of Our Lord, written without pedantry in the spirit of prayer.“
- [1954-148] [Englisch] N. K. Burger: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Herr, engl., in: New York Times Book Review, 1954, 5. Dezember, S. 22 [Mercker 3062] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- [1954-149] [Englisch] Frederick A. Harkins: What began at the crib (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Herr, engl.), in: America, 1954, 25. Dezember, S. 342 [Mercker 3061, bei Mercker ohne Autorenangabe] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=aM1k1311lg8C
- [1954-150] [Englisch] Benjamin Hunt: The Lord (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Herr, engl.), in: Catholic World, New York, 180, 1954, S. 314f. (bei Mercker noch gekennzeichnet als undatierter Zeitschriftenausschnitt im Guardini-Archiv der Bayer. Staatsbibliothek München; Mappe "ordo") [Mercker 3064] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=sIMLCXzKrugC
- [1954-151] [Englisch] Justin O´ Brien: Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Herr, engl., in: Chicago Sunday Tribune, 1954, 26. Dezember, S. 3 [Mercker 3065] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- [1954-152] [Englisch] Hans A. Reinhold: Two Modern Studies of the Life of Christ. I. The Lord (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Herr, engl.), in: (The) Commonweal, New York, 51, 1954, 19. November, S. 192f. [Mercker 3066] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=tGG7gUJ8b24C
- [1954-153] [Englisch] Henry Wilmering: Aid in Understanding Inner Life of Christ (Rezension zu: Guardini, Der Herr, engl.), in: Books on Trial, Chicago, 13 oder 14???, 1954, Dezember, S. 151 [Mercker 3067] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=207pAAAAMAAJ
- [1954-154] [Englisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, The Lord, in: Worship (Orate Fratres), 29, 1954, 5, S. 298 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=ptorM9j8JQ4C:
- S. 298 f.: „Perhaps the season will serve as excuse for making mention (overdue) of another volume of exceptional merit: Romano Guardini´s The Lord. Expertly translated by Elinor Castendyk Briefs, the book is published by Henry Regnery Co., Chicago (550pp.; cloth, $ 6.50). A reproduction of Rouault's painting of Christ mocked by the soldiers, for the jacket, sets the tone, and arouses expectations which the text brilliantly fulfills . A friend of ours has a pet theory that, among modern Catholic authors, Guardini is one of the few who never disappoints: there is always substantial thought, presented from an approach that makes it challenging. Certainly this book falls in that category. Only a few of his other works have been translated into English so far, but those few include the still basic Spirit of the Liturgy of more than twenty years ago. It is not easy to translate Guardini. His sensitivity to the finest nuances of spiritual values combined with a highly C admired literary style presents problems. But perhaps the deserved good press which The Lord is getting will help persuade publishers to give us more of his books in English. The Lord is typically Guardini: the Guardini who shows the influence of Max Scheler by his power of psychological penetration in terms of the contemporary mind. The standard "lives of Christ,“ content to list chronological data, here find their valuable complement. The essays originated as Sunday homilies. We are fortunate to be able to join the preacher's audience. But, however gladly we recognize our debt to the American publishers, we do wish they had taken the pains to add a topic and Scripture index: without them the book loses at least half its potential of usefulness.“
Zu: Augustinus (1934)
- Franz Körner: Die Entwicklung Augustins von der Anamnesis- zur Illuminationslehre im Lichte seines Innerlichkeitsprinzips, in: Theologische Quartalschrift, Stuttgart, 134, 1954, S. 397-447, zu Romano Guardini S. 401, 407f. [Gerner 73] - [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=sqD6R7d4K-cC und http://idb.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/opendigi/thq_1954#p=406
Zu: Augustinus (1934)/Rezensionen zu: Die Bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus (1935)
- [1954-155] Rezension zu: Guardini, Die Bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus, in: Erziehung und Beruf, Darmstadt, 1954, Mai [Mercker 3224] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- [1954-156] Franz Körner: Die Entwicklung Augustins von der Anamnesis- zur Illuminationslehre im Lichte seines Innerlichkeitsprinzips, in: Theologische Quartalschrift, Stuttgart, 134, 1954, S. 397-447, zu Romano Guardini S. 401, 407f. (Bezuge zu Guardini, Die Bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus) [Gerner 73] - [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=sqD6R7d4K-cC und http://idb.ub.uni-tuebingen.de/opendigi/thq_1954#p=406
- [1954-157] Rezension zu: Guardini, Die Bekehrung des Aurelius Augustinus, in: Studium und Zeugnis, Wettswile (Schweiz), 1954, Dezember [Mercker 3247] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
Zu: Augustinus (1934)/Rezensionen zu: Anfang (1944/1950)
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Zu: Franziskus/Der Spiegel der Vollkommenheit (1935)
- Hermann Leuthe: Aus dem „Spiegel der Vollkommenheit“. Dokument franziskanischen Geistes (Rezension zu: Der Spiegel der Vollkommenheit), in: Der christliche Sonntag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 6, 1954, 40 (3. Oktober 1954), S. 314 [Gerner 338] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
Rezensionen zu: Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im Neuen Testament (1936)
- [1954-160] Rezension zu: Guardini, Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im Neuen Testament, in: Katechetische Blätter, München, 79, 1954, S. 202 [Gerner 319] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- [1954-161] Alfons Bolley: Rezension zu: Guardini, Das Bild von Jesus dem Christus im Neuen Testament, in: Literarischer Ratgeber, München/Würzburg/Heidelberg, 40, 1954, S. 98 [Gerner 319] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
Rezensionen zu: Das Wesen des Christentums (1938)
Bisher keine Funde
Rezensionen zu: Die letzten Dinge (1940)
- [1954-162] [Portugiesisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, Les fins dernières, in: Brotéria, 58, 1954, S. 242
- [1954-163] [Englisch] Natalie T. Darcy: Joyous message (Rezension zu: Guardini, The Last Things), in: The Catholic Worker, 21, 1954/55, 2 (September 1954), S. 4 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=iTuKFK-wOTAC
- S. 4: „The Christian message is a joyous one even when treating of death, justification after death, the Last Judgement and eternal life. In the hands of Father Guardini has the "last things" take on so particular a glow, however, that one can more than hope that the reading of this book will bring about the mental conversion which its author states is needed for modern man believe in revelation which is "truth beyond reason but still truth.“ With the faith in revelation a new light is giver to existence and man is oriented to his Creator in truth and love. Since this book is grounded in revelation, from it emerges man of the body as well of the spirit, man who has separated himself from his Creator and who must, therefore, suffer from that loss but man who is so loved by God that He could not leave His creatures desolate for eternity but brought him once man, through the incarnation, death and resurrection of Christ, the message of eternal hope. Death is not a part of man´s nature but the result of an act. Man was created in a state of freedom but also of probation, free "to throw out the span of his life to God" but he did not stand the test, choosing in Adam, the progenitor of the race, to be as God and thereby breaking the link from God to man and being condemed to the sentence of sin and death. „The Last Things“ does not minimize the pain, loneliness and misery of the death of man; neither does it ignore the importance of Purgatory from which the soul through the grace of effectual repentance emerges justified and absolved. We are reminded that Christ too died and died as no other man died since „death is more truly death as the life it puts an end to is more truly life." But the Christian message is one of hope and its hope lies in the resurrection of Christ. Christ having risen, man too will rise and this resurrection will be not of the spirit alone but of man in reality with all his human dignity, actions and destinies. We do not know what the body will be like in eternity, but we have some small inkling of the work of grace on earth when we look upon a man animated by a mind and heart and spirit overflowing with the love of Christ and his fellow men in Christ. Man has the freedom of choosing to rise to his eternal salvation or perdition and in accordance with his choice his body will be blessed or accursed. This message of Christianity which had lost its vitality since the Middle Age but which is being revived in our time may, in the opinion of Father Guardini, relieve the tension brought about by the cleavage between matter and intellect. When the salvation of man is centered upon the whole man, when all man´s actions are governed by the heart – that union of blood and spirit which characterizes man - and when man's faith and hope in the resurrection of body and soul in Christ, the decision for or against God becomes more vital and the love of one´s fellow men in God more meaningful. One regrets the reading this revised edition of Father Guardini´s book that he did not find it necessary to amplify some of its sections, particulary that on Purgatory. However, it is a rarity in our time to find a book which leaves the reader wanting.“
- [1954-164] [Englisch] Richard Gilman: Rezension zu: Guardini, Die letzten Dinge, engl., in: Jubilee. A Magazine of the Church & Her People, 2, 1954, S. 62f. [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=bhk1AQAAIAAJ
- [1954-165] [Italienisch] Filippo Piemontese: Rezension zu: Guardini, I novissimi, in: Studium, 50, 1954, S. 816 f. [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=4GH1MA4UXuoC
- [1954-166] [Englisch] Kurz-Rezension zu: The Last Things, in: Publishers Weekly, 165, 1954, S. 451 [neu aufgenommen] – [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=iheMW4YyU8UC oder https://books.google.de/books?id=q7CipXSULEAC
- S. 451: „One of Europe´s great religious thinkers answers the questions that our scientific age has posed about the Church´s teaching on death and the hereafter.“
Rezensionen zu: Glaubenserkenntnis (1944)
- [1954-167] [Englisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, The Faith and Modern Man, in: The Dublin Review, 228, 1954, S. 237 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=0ad2nPg9S4MC oder https://books.google.de/books?id=mcAhAAAAMAAJ:
- S. 237: „BOTH Canon Raven, in this second series of his Gifford Lectures, and Fr. Guardini set themselves to write of the Christian faith in a manner that is comprehensible to contemporaries, in a manner, therefore, that is within the experience or at least the intellectual imagination of contemporaries. Their endeavour springs from both charity and humility, and since few are the theologians who communicate with their fellow men it is an endeavour that merits the greatest respect. But of course for Guardini the end of the journey is the point from which he started; […] Guardini's book is a collection of twelve essays that were written during the last World War for bewildered German Christians, especially the young. They were written from the heart of contemporary experience, a re - thinking of Christian doctrine but in no sense a reinterpretation. They are fresh and vivid.“
- [1954-168] [Englisch] Charles A. Hart: Rezension zu: Guardini, The Faith and Modern Man, in: The New Scholasticism, 28, 1954, S. 121 f. [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=dR7kAAAAMAAJ
- S. 121 f.: This is an excellent translation of a series of twelve essays by the distinguished German educator and liturgist, Monsignor Romano Guardini, written during World War II when Christian life was deeply threatened by hostile doctrine. In order to elude, at least for a time, the tightening thought control, a group of Christian writers decided to publish booklets , each complete in itself, on a theme of special importance to contemporary man for distribution mainly as letter enclosures. By this means they escaped attention and carried on for some time until paper quota was suppressed. The twelve essays under the above title were Monsignor Guardini's contribution to the general project entitled ,Christliche Besinnung´. They all grew out of urgent questions asked by people in spiritual stress and actual physical threat. They were first delivered in a Berlin church threatened from without by air raid and from within by the ever present threat of secret police. Monsignor Guardini hopes „that some of the urgency of that time has been imparted to these brief statements of some of the fundamental truths of our faith.“ We believe that his hope have been magnificently realized. His brief statements and clarifications are on such their subjects as adoration, God's patience, God's dominion and man's freedom, the Lordship of Christ, Providence, revelation as history, faith as of overcoming and faith in various stages of life, dogma, the saints, the Adversary, i. e. the Devil, and purgatory. To each he brings not only the expected theological and biblical approach but also such profound metaphysical and psychological insight as to make these discussions the most proper object of the philosopher's interest. Indeed we have here a philosophy of faith on subjects of constant challenge to the man of faith in the contemporary world written by a religious leader who is in closest contact with the German Catholic laymen as well as clerical. Old subjects seem like new ones under the penetrating glance of this distinguished mind. We may be permitted a brief quotation: "A great and blessed mystery is adoration. In it man fulfills his ultimate obligation to God and at the same time safeguards his own soundness for it is the instrument of truth. ... True illness of mind and spirit sets in when a man no longer cherishes truth but despises it; when he uses it as a means to his own end; when in the depth of his soul truth ceases to be to him the primary, the most important concern. He has lost the inner certainty of direction. He lacks answer to those final questions - why? to what purpose? and his whole being is affected." There indeed is a new interpretation and understanding of very old subjects for the confused and the troubled in conscience as well as the outright sceptic.“
- [1954-169] Hans Ansgar Reinhold: Between Thorns and Rocks (Rezension zu: Guardini, The Faith and Modern Man), in: Renascence, 7, 1954, S. 151 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=E7X7MgxTBA0C und https://books.google.de/books?id=6X-sy7mYR5IC; zu Romano Guardini:
- S. 151: „ROMANO GUARDINI, born of Italian parents in Germany, is a writer who combines the tendency of the German to be searching and methodical with the clarity of the Latin. In German, as well as in this excellent translation, one is always amazed at Guardini's sure-footed leadership through the thorniest and rockiest problems of the supernatural and the natural. With a sure grasp and a steady hand, in deceptively simple language, Guardini elimi nates all confusing verbiage and approaches his problem steadily and engagingly. Guardini is not only a consummate theologian, but a first rate psychologist, and is well informed in the fields of history, literature, science, and sociology. No one - with perhaps the exception of Jacques Maritain - has such a hold on the problems uppermost in the mind of modern man. His description of the different ages of man, the resulting crises of the faith, and their causes is a classic. No one has ever given a more Biblical explanation of the Christian meaning of Providence. Among Catholics Guardini - and his growing school - holds a unique position in his complete disregard of post-Tridentine apologetics, in his refusal to be sectarian, his lack of scholastic pretense and in his return to the person of our Lord. You always know that he has studied St. Thomas and patristic theology and that he is familiar with the mystics of old as well as of our own day, but there is no appeal to them, no quoting of dusted-off authorities, no quarreling or “opinionating." Guardini seems to lead you back to the prime source of Revelation with reason endowed by grace. His critics have often reproached him for being interested only in marginal issues and less in God than in the phenomenon of religion and have even seen in him a refined and irenic agnostic. How wrong they were! This book, like the forthcoming English translation of his magnum opus, shows a Catholicity that is so honest, so orthodox, so moderate, so profound that I would not hesitate to call him the bringer of a twentieth century "devotio moderna.” We should have more of Guardini. His quiet voice, like those of Otto Karrer, Lortz, Rahner, should be heard in America.“
- [1954-170] [Englisch] Thomas Rudd: Mind and spirit in the care of the aged in: Social Service: A Quarterly Review, 28, 1954, S. 16-18 [neu aufgenommen] – [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=tj1DAAAAYAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
- S. 17: „Romano Guardini[* Guardini , R. , The Faith and Modern Man. Burn Oates, 1953] writes: "There is a kind of scepticism possible only to the old - the cynicism of hopelessness which affects their faith. It is the attitude in which inevitability has conquered. In it, nothingness rules. Death of body and heart has assumed spiritual forms.“
- [1954-171] [Englisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, Glaubenserkenntnis, engl. (The faith and modern man), in: Studies, 43, 1954, S. 474f. [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=V9khAQAAIAAJ
Rezensionen zu: Drei Schriftauslegungen (1949)
Bisher keine Funde
Zu: Christliche Besinnung (1, 1950-8, 1955) (Mercker 761, 762, 814, 815, 862, 913, 914, 1019)
- Rezension zu: Christliche Besinnung, Bd. 1-7, in: Bibel und Kirche, Stuttgart, 9, 1954, 4 (Oktober 1954), S. 125 [Gerner 314] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- Stratmann: Rezension zu: Christliche Besinnung, Bd. 6 und 7, in: Die Heimstatt, Köln, 2, 1954,3/4, S. 217 [Gerner 314] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- Rezension zu: Christliche Besinnung, in: Katechetische Blätter, München, 79, 1954, S. 203 [Gerner 315] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
Zu: Christliche Besinnung, Bd. 7
- Rezension zu: Christliche Besinnung, Bd. 7, in: Anzeiger für die katholische Geistlichkeit Deutschlands, 63, 1954, 6 (Oktober 1954), S. 158f. [Gerner 314] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- Franz Thoma: Rezension zu: Christliche Besinnung, Bd. 7, in: Religion und Weltanschauung, Rosenheim, 9, 1954, 2, S. 73 [Gerner 315] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- Rezension zu: Christliche Besinnung, Bd. 7, in: Seele, Regensburg, 30, 1954, 11, S. 348 [Gerner 315] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
- Rezension zu: Christliche Besinnung, Bd. 7, in: Theologie und Glaube, Paderborn, 44, 1954, S. 219 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=zyJZClcbYVsC
Zu: Christliche Besinnung, Bd. 8: Apparatur und Glaube/Photographie und Glaubenszweifel
- ad (=Alfred Degen), Rezension zu: Christliche Besinnung, Bd. 8, in: Werkblatt des Quickborn, Freiburg im Breisgau, 5, 1954/55, 6, S. 211 [Gerner 315, ohne Autorenkürzel bzw. Auflösung] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
Rezensionen zu: Die Sinne und die religiöse Erkenntnis (1950)
- [1954-180] Paul Mianecki: Christliche Glaubensverkündigung heute, in: Geist und Leben, Würzburg, 27, 1954, S. 368-378, hier S. 369 (Bezug zu: Guardini, Die Sinne und die religiöse Erkenntnis) [Mercker 3305] - [Artikel] - [nicht mehr online]
Rezensionen zu: Der Mythos und die Wahrheit der Offenbarung (1950)
Bisher keine Funde
Rezensionen zu: Gläubiges Dasein (1950/51)
Bisher keine Funde
Rezensionen zu: Nur wer Gott kennt, kennt den Menschen (1952)
Bisher keine Funde
Rezensionen zu: Weihnachten und Neues Jahr (1954)
- Rezension zu: Guardini, Weihnachten und Neues Jahr, in: Der Prediger und Katechet, Freiburg im Breisgau, 94, 1954/55, S. 430 [Gerner 401] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]