Vorlage:1948 Sekundärbibliographie Biographie

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
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  • [1948-001] Franz Hermann Mueller: (Reverend) Romano Guardini, in: Matthew Hoehn (Hrsg.): Catholic Authors. Contemporary biographical sketches 1930-1947, Newark 1948, S. 296-297 [Gerner 53, ohne Autorenkürzel] - [Lexikoneintrag] - https://books.google.de/books?id=-IJmAAAAMAAJ;
    • Text: "M. H. Reverend Romano Guardini 1885- When after the first World War the Church in Germany came "to life in the souls of men" (to use Guardini´s own words), Guardini was one of the foremost German leaders instrumental in that "religious process of incalculable importance." If there be hope for the Church in Germany after the second World War, it will be due, to a large extent, to the seed sown by the Catholic Youth Movement and the liturgical movement under the inspiring leaderhip of Guardini and others. Born in Verona, Italy, Februar 17, 1885, the son of a merchant, romano Guardini grew up in Mainz, Germany. He was ordained priest in 1910, and was admitted to the faculty of the School of Divinity of the University of Bonn, Germany, in 1920, on the basis of a thesis dealing with the idea of redemption according to St. Bonaventure. In 1923 he was appointed a professor of dogmatic theology at the University of Breslau and at the same time was given leave of absence to teach as a “Professor für katholische Weltanschauung” something like a visiting lecturer in Catholic philosophy) at the University of Berlin. This device was used by the German republic to provide Guardini with an appropriate teaching platform, which the University of Berlin, a relatively independent corporation like all German universities before 1933, would not have given to a Catholic priest. His first lectures were attacked by the ex-Jesuit Count Paul v . Hoensbroech and his appointment sharply criticized by anti-Catholic groups in the German capital. But soon Guardini's courses of instruction, in and outside the University of Berlin, were regarded as one of the most notable educational phenomena of Germany at that time. In 1945 he was given a chair of philosophy at the University of Tuebingen, Wuerttemberg. A. N. Raybould, Reverend Dr. Francis de Hovre, Irene Marinoff , and others , rightly stress that he unites the Classicism of the South with the problematic leanings and philosophical mind of the North, and that he has depth of thought with perfection of expression. A master of intuitive psychology, he was the leader of the German Catholic Youth Movement, a movement "born, not made", setting the “elan vital" of youth against the spuriousness of bourgeois civilization, making war on dead words and stereotyped concepts, insincere conventions and habits of life not in keeping with nature. Such books by Guardini as Neue Jugend und katholischer Geist (1920) (The New Youth and the Catholic Mind); Aus einem Jugendreich (1920), dealing with the new philosophy of life of the young generation after the first World War; Gottes Werkleute (many editions) (God's workmen); Vom Geist der Liturgie (1918); Vom Sinn der Kirche (1922) (The Church and the Catholic — The Spirit of the Liturgy) now available in English translation; Von heiligen Zeichen (Sacred Signs, tr. by G. H. Pollen, S.J., 1930); Ehe und Jungfräulichkeit (Matrimony and Virginity), etc., exercised a tremendous influence upon the younger postwar generation in Germany. This applies also to his numerous, yet exceedingly profound articles in Die Schildgenossen, a very fine periodical published by the "Quickborn", a prominent group within the Catholic Youth Movement, of which Guardini was the spiritual leader. Very significant Catholic intellectual events were also the "things," sessions, and retreats on Burg: Rothenfels, a medieval castle on the main river, by the “ Quickborn, "the heart of which were the talks given by Father Guardini, whom the Catholic youth regarded as an elder brother. Other books by Father Guardini are: Liturgische Bildung (1923) (Liturgical Education); Der Gegensatz, eine Philosophie des Lebendig-Konkreten (1925), outlining Guardini´s dialectical philosophy; Briefe über Selbstbildung (Letters on Self-education, 1921-24), (1930); Briefe vom Comer See (Letters from Lake Como) (1927); Auf dem Wege (1923); (Theses; two books dealing with different topics); "Das Gute, Das Gewissen und die Sammlung (1929-31) (The Good, Conscience, and Meditation - translated); Wille und Wahrheit (Spiritual Exercises) (1933); Der Kreuzweg vom lebendigen Gott (1930) (The Way of the Cross - translated); Essays on Pascal, Dostoievski, Kierkegaard, Dante. Im Spiegel und Gleichnis (In Pattern and Parable); Der Herr, Betrachtungen über das Leben und die Person Jesu Christi (1937) (The Lord, Meditations on the Life and Person of Jesus Christ); and Das Gebet des Herrn (1932) (The Lord´s Prayer). He has been residing near Biberach since his Berlin home wa destroyed in an air raid. During World War II, Professor Guardini completed several new books. They are: The Death of Socrates, an interpretation of Platonic Philosophy, and Beginning, an analysis of the Confessions of St. Augustine. Two additional volumes await publication. They are: Freedom, Grace, Destiny and The Year of Our Lord. F. M."
    • auch in: Matthew Hoehn (Hrsg.): Catholic Authors. Contemporary biographical sketches 1930-1952, Newark (2)1952, S. 296-297 [neu aufgenommen] - [Lexikoneintrag] - https://books.google.de/books?id=7yF5L1lbKVEC
      • S. 559 steht dort zum Autor: "Franz Hermann J. Mueller During his studies in Berlin he met and made friends with Father Heinrich Pesch, S.J., famous Catholic economist, and came in close contact with Romano Guardini, professor of theology, and renowned leader of the German liturgical and Catholic youth movements. They, as well as Professor F. W. Foerster and Professor W. Sombart, influenced Franz Mueller greatly. To Father Guardini he owes his first book, which dealt with the life and work of the great German social reformer, REverend Franz Hitze, Franz Hitze und sein Werk (Hamburg, 1928). It was Father Guardini who suggested to the publisher that Franz Mueller be asked to write the book which gained him recognition."
  • [1948-002] M. Ben(=Mario Bendiscioli???)/Al. Man: (Artikel) Romano Guardini, in: (Giovanna Gentile/Calgero Tumminelli)/Istituto della enciclopedia italiana(=Istitutio Giovanni Treccani) (Hrsg.): Enciclopedia italiana dei scienze, lettere ed arti. 1938-1948, Rom 1948 (1949???), S. 1098f. [historisch relevant]: berichtet irrtümlich davon, dass er in der Nähe von Biberach [über 30 km entfernt, HZ] lebte, seit seine Berliner Residenz durch einen Luftangriff während des Zweiten Weltkriegs zerstört worden wäre [er ging nicht wegen der relativ geringen Schäden weg!, HZ] [Gerner 54, ohne Autorenangabe] - [Lexikoneintrag] - https://books.google.de/books?id=3AATAQAAMAAJ
