Vorlage:2013 Sekundärbibliographie Literatur

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
  1. [Englisch] Michael O´Connell: Not Peace But the Sword: Violence in Contemporary American Catholic Literature, 2013 [Monographie] - https://core.ac.uk/download/pdf/48608057.pdf, zu Guardini im Kapitel: O´Connor at the End of Age: A Catholic Conception of the Post-War Moment S. 62-65 sowie Walker Percy as Liminal Catholic S. 119-124

Zu: Dostojewskij (1931)

  1. [Englisch] Józef Bremer: Romano Guardini’s interpretation of figures in Fyodor M. Dostoyevsky’s novels, in: ders./Teresa Obolevich/Tomasz Homa (Hrsg.): Russian Thought in Europe. Reception, polemics, developement, Krakau 2013, S. 119-136, zu Romano Guardini [Artikel] - https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Jozef-Bremer/publication/261633468_The_Influence_of_Jewish_Culture_on_the_intellectual_Heritage_of_Central_and_Eastern_Europe/links/56f018e108ae52f8ad7f8f29/The-Influence-of-Jewish-Culture-on-the-intellectual-Heritage-of-Central-and-Eastern-Europe.pdf
  2. [Italienisch] Silvano Zucal: Romano Guardini e il Cristo silenzioso dell' apostate, in: Renata Badii/Enrica Fabbri (Hrsg.): Il Grande Inquisitore: attualità e ricezione di una metafora assoluta, Mailand/Udine 2013, S. 159-168 [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]