Vorlage:1957 Christliche Kunst und Architektur
Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
Version vom 29. Dezember 2024, 00:30 Uhr von Helmut Zenz (Diskussion | Beiträge)
- [1957-000] Hans Ansgar Reinhold: Art and the liturgy, in: Commonweal, 67, 1957, S. 631 ff. [neu aufgenommen] - [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=cEU8AAAAMAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
- S. 633: „There are always, as Romano Guardini proved forty years ago, elements of play in the liturgy. These elements are representative of cosmic as well as supernatural rhythms. They must remain faint against the primary purpose of worship, kerygma and sacred action, but they must be there. Art in all its forms is their vehicle and therefore religious art has a profound responsibility not to trifle, not to become irrelevant, not to sacrifice its noble purpose to the conception of appeal, enjoyment and the more telluric urges of religious and pseudo-religious man.“
- [1957-000] Herbert Schade: Moderne christliche Kunst, in: Stimmen der Zeit, Freiburg im Breisgau, 159, 1956/57, S. 332-340, zu Romano Guardini S. 338 (Zitat zur neuesten Architektur aus Guardini, Das religiöse Bild und der unsichtbare Gott) [neu aufgenommen] - [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=uaPNAAAAMAAJ