Vorlage:1936 Rezensionen Vom Sinn der Kirche

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
  1. [Englisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Sinn der Kirche, engl., in: The Amercian Ecclesiastical Review, 95, 1936, S. 212 [Mercker 3791, bei Mercker ohne „american“] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=K87NAAAAMAAJ
  2. [Englisch] H. Z.: Rezension zu Guardini: The Church and the Catholic together with The Spirit of the Liturgy, in: The Buckfast Abbey Chronicle, 6, 1936, 1, S. 85 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=yjs8AQAAIAAJ
    1. Books on the Liturgy are nowadays welcome in every country . Although English Catholics do not yet rival Continental writers on the subject , yet an awakening appreciation of the Church's public acts of worship and sanctification is clearly perceptible. Among the attempts to place the Liturgy on a wide and firm basis we see with great satisfaction two little works of Dr. Romano Guardini in one volume. This wellknown German writer has been fortunate in his translator, A. Lane, whose work is almost uniformly good. Nevertheless the title of the first book, in German" Vom Sinn der Kirche," would have been better translated by "The Meaning of the Church“ instead of „The Church and Catholics.“ The author certainly does not wish to present the „Catholic“ and the „Church“ as two entities, even when he tries to avoid a one-sided view in the presentment of his subject. With the uncommon gift of a clear insight into the mentality of an age, particulary of our own, he treats of the psychological and philosophical aspects of human personality not as opposed to the Church but as a globe which revolves around its own axis and yet remains part of the universe of the Church. The author emphatically states on p. 36 that the whole Man is in the Church with all that he is, being a member even in his most individual element. The second title refers to a part already known to English readers, reviewed in these pages (March, 1931). It has lost nothing of its claim upon the serious-minded reader who wishes to drink deep at the fountains of living waters.“
  3. [Englisch] A. Parsons: Rezension zu: Guardini, Vom Sinn der Kirche, engl., in: Homiletic and pastoral Review, London, 36, 1936, S. 1119 [Mercker 3786] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]