Vorlage:1952 Rezensionen Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
  • [1952-000] Von der Wahrhaftigkeit des Wortes (Rezension zu: Guardini, Rainer Maria Rilkes Deutung des Daseins), in: Die Barke, Frankfurt am Main, 1952, 4, S. 12-15, hier S. 12 [Gerner 377] - [Rezension] - [noch nicht online]
  • [1952-000] Sister M. Thérèse: Rezension zu Holthusen, Rainer Maria Rilke: A Study of His Later Poetry, in: Renascence, 5, 1952, S. 164 f. [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=6X-sy7mYR5IC; zu Romano Guardini:
    • S. 165: „It will be readily seen that Dr. Holthusen´s view coincides with that of Romano Guardini, who considers Rilke´s ideas as those of Nietzsche and Hölderlin before him, as epiphenomena which live from the elements against which they rise, since they are incapable of being understood from their own center.“