Vorlage:1952 Rezensionen Glaubenserkenntnis

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
Version vom 6. August 2024, 12:37 Uhr von Helmut Zenz (Diskussion | Beiträge)
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  • [1952-173] Verlagswerbung zu: Guardini, Glaubenserkenntnis, engl. (The faith and modern man),
  • [1952-174] [Englisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, The Faith and Modern Man, in: Integrity, 7, 1952, S. 39 [neu aufgenommen] – [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=iLoM-QI6McAC:
    • S. 39: „The publishers of What Catholic Believe and Leisure the Basis of Culture have again gone to Germany to bring us some grown-up Catholicism. This collection of short essays born unter pressure at the height oft he Nazi wave is an open-eyed and hard-headed consideration of some basic facts of faith as they meet the modern mind. There is no side-stepping in it, no waltzing around problems. The circumstances in which the essays were written forbade evasion and made trite answers patently futile. And those circumstances were no more than a crisis-illuminated moment of the split world through which we, quite as much as did the Germans oft en years ago, carry the burden of faith. A group of Christian writers searching for "ways and means of informing and strengthening the minds of bewildered and harassed people“ hit upon the plan of publishing small pamphlets which could be distributed as letter enclosures in which they would offer „a restatement in terms of contemporary life and experience, of the eternal spiritual and humane verities." These twelve essays which Father Guardini had contributed to the series before it was stopped "by devious means," were also delivered (at least most of them) as evening lectures in a Berlin church, "to an audience of the most varied background, including all denominations, threatened from without by air raids and from within by the ever-present secret police." We are told that the essays were not planned as parts of an integral whole but grew spontaneously and separately out of questions asked by people in spiritual stress. Perhaps that is a help rather than otherwise. For each topic is gone at as if the entire defense of Christianity rested upon it. The first is on „Adoration.““
  • [1952-175] [Englisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, Glaubenserkenntnis, engl. (The faith and modern man), in: Social order, 1952, S. 464 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=T00fAQAAIAAJ
  • [1952-176] [Englisch] Rezension zu: Guardini, Glaubenserkenntnis, engl. (The Faith and modern man), in: Worship (Orate Fratres), 27, 1952, S. 109 [neu aufgenommen] - [Rezension] - https://books.google.de/books?id=5oETAAAAIAAJ