Vorlage:2017 Videos Englisch

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
  1. John F. Crosby: The Past and Present of Christian Personalism: John Henry Newman and Romano Guardini (Vortrag bei Hildebrand Projekt: Hildebrand Summer Seminar 2016), 12.10.2017 - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SSM_H0UkHxk, siehe auch: John Henry Newman and Romano Guardini, Voices of Personalism - https://soundcloud.com/hildebrandproject/john-henry-newman-and-romano-guardini-john-f-crosby
  2. Brian Fox: Roman Catholicism and Political Form: Carl Schmitt vs. Romano Guardini - https://soundcloud.com/christendomcollege/roman-catholicism-and-political-form-carl-schmitt-vs-romano-guardini-brian-fox