Vorlage:1953 Sekundärbibliographie Biographie: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
Zeile 20: Zeile 20:
## Enthält Text eines Antrags auf Wiedergutmachung für Prof. Johannes Hessen, eingereicht von den Professoren Kurt Leese, Friedrich Heiler, Hans Pfeil, Aloys Wenzel und Romano Guardini [Gerner 266] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]  
## Enthält Text eines Antrags auf Wiedergutmachung für Prof. Johannes Hessen, eingereicht von den Professoren Kurt Leese, Friedrich Heiler, Hans Pfeil, Aloys Wenzel und Romano Guardini [Gerner 266] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]  
# [[Manfred Hörhammer]]: Josef Weiger - 70 Jahre, in: [[Der christliche Sonntag]], Freiburg im Breisgau, 5, 1953, 23 (7. Juni 1953), S. 178 [Gerner 298] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]  
# [[Manfred Hörhammer]]: Josef Weiger - 70 Jahre, in: [[Der christliche Sonntag]], Freiburg im Breisgau, 5, 1953, 23 (7. Juni 1953), S. 178 [Gerner 298] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]  
# [Englisch] [[Max Jordan]]: The Hidden Truth, in: John A. O´Brien (Hrsg.): The Way to Emmaus. The Intimate Personal Stories of Converts to the Catholic Faith, London 1953, S. 185-205 [neu aufgenommen] - [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=-FIsAQAAMAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
## S. 192 f.: "... Father Sonnenschein in the meantime had established his headquarters in Berlin. As soon as I could, I called on him. Probably he was the first priest I had ever met more than casually. He was a man in his forties, heavily built, of tense energy. Sitting behind his desk, he constantly held a hand on a card-index file which was his "passkey" to human problems. Hardly anyone among his numerous callers appealed to this selfless man in vain. He went all out to help those in distress. "You are a newspaperman, aren't you?" he inquired searchingly when I entered his office in busy, downtown Berlin. "Yes," I admitted, wondering what he was leading up to.  Immediately the good doctor began fingering his file. "Where employed?" he asked without further ado, making quick notes. "Which department? Know anyone of influence? Willing to help people get jobs? Willing to help people get jobs? And on he went, until finally I stopped him. „But, Father,“ I remarked shyly, „I am not a Catholic.“ „Doesn´t matter,“ he replied, dismissing all further objections with a grand gesture. To him everybody was acceptable, provided he or she could be a cog in his big wheel of charity. „And what's more," I went on to say insistently, "I myself need your counsel.” The doctor's jovial face lit up at once. The look from behind his glasses was so penetrating and yet kindly that I felt as though at that moment there was really no one in the whole world he was more concerned with than my modest self. I explained how I had been searching for truth, how since my arrival in Berlin I had heard lectures of distinguished Protestant theologians at the university, how I had made contacts with various sects, just to find out what they had to say, how I was rather impressed by theosophy, how I had studied the mystics. “Of course, Father," I concluded," it is all rather hazy. I need some guidance.“ "Yes , yes," said the doctor, but again he was thumbing his file as though in there he had answers for all my questions. And then he pulled out a card. „Make a note of this. Come to see me again.“ On the card I found an address, the Reverend Romano Guardini's, and his telephone number. In connection with the youth movement I had once been associated with, I had heard that name before. In my student days Guardini was the Guardini was the inspiring leader of Quickborn, a Catholic group of young people who were taking their faith in earnest, and was then teaching at Bonn University. Now he was in Berlin. Soon I attended his crowded lectures, which were events of singular import at a predominantly Protestant university. Here was genuine Catholic doctrine brilliantly presented by a sovereign ..." (muss noch ergänzt werden!!!)
# Pionier der Geistesfreiheit, in: [[Die Neue Zeitung]], München, 9, 1953, 26 (31. Januar 1953), S. 2 (Veranstaltungsbericht; Romano Guardini Vizepräsident der Romain-Rolland-Gesellschaft) [Gerner 271] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]  
# Pionier der Geistesfreiheit, in: [[Die Neue Zeitung]], München, 9, 1953, 26 (31. Januar 1953), S. 2 (Veranstaltungsbericht; Romano Guardini Vizepräsident der Romain-Rolland-Gesellschaft) [Gerner 271] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]  
# [[Eckart Peterich]]: Bayerisches Tagebuch, in: [[Süddeutsche Zeitung]], München, 1953, 30 (6. Februar 1953), S. 3, darin über Guardinis Messe und Predigt in St. Ludwig [Gerner 271] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
# [[Eckart Peterich]]: Bayerisches Tagebuch, in: [[Süddeutsche Zeitung]], München, 1953, 30 (6. Februar 1953), S. 3, darin über Guardinis Messe und Predigt in St. Ludwig [Gerner 271] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
# [[Friedrich Stegmüller]]: Karl Braig (1853-1923), in: [[Oberrheinisches Pastoralblatt]], Karlsruhe, 54, 1953, 5 (Mai 1953), S. 120-128, zu Romano Guardini S. 128 [Gerner 285] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
# [[Friedrich Stegmüller]]: Karl Braig (1853-1923), in: [[Oberrheinisches Pastoralblatt]], Karlsruhe, 54, 1953, 5 (Mai 1953), S. 120-128, zu Romano Guardini S. 128 [Gerner 285] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]

Version vom 26. Juli 2023, 00:00 Uhr






  1. Michael Schmaus: Katholische Dogmatik, München 1953ff., Vierter Band, Zweiter Halbband: Von den letzten Dingen, München (3/4)1953; (5)1959, zu Romano Guardini Widmung („Romano Guardini zu eigen“) [Gerner 179a] - [Widmung]


  1. [Englisch] Hannah Arendt: Religion and Politics, in: Confluence, 2, 1953, Heft 3 (September), S. 105-126 (Vortrag einer Summer School Conference an der Harvard University vom 20. bis 22. Juli 1953) [neu aufgenommen] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online] ; deutsch unter dem Titel: Religion und Politik, auch in dies.: Zwischen Vergangenheit und Zukunft, München/Zürich, (3)2000, S. 305-324 [neu aufgenommen] - [Artikel] - http://gellhardt.de/arendt_bluecher/11_Religion_u_Politik.pdf; zu Romano Guardini:
    1. 2000, S. 309, Fußnote 13: "Ich stimme durchaus mit Romano Guardini überein, der jüngst festgestellt hat, die Säkularität der Welt, die Tatsache, daß unsere tägliche öffentliche Existenz "ohne Bewußtsein von einer göttlichen Macht" ist, impliziere nicht, daß die einzelnen Menschen zunehmend »unreligiös« werden, sondern daß "das öffentliche Bewußtsein sich von religiösen Kategorien immer weiter entfernt", auch wenn ich seine Schlußfolgerung, daß Religion, wo immer sie existiert, "sich in die >innere Welt< zurückzieht", nicht teile. Ich zitiere aus Commonweal 58, Heft 13, 3. Juli 1953, S. 323 f., wo ausführliche Exzerpte eines gerade in The Dublin Review, London, Nr. 459 (First Quarten 1953), über "The Jewish Problem Reflexions an Responsibility" erschienenen Artikels nachgedruckt wurden. — Zusatz d. Übers./Hrsg.: Es handelt sich um eine Übersetzung von Romano Guardini, "Verantwortung — Gedanken zur jüdischen Frage: Eine Universitätsrede", in: Hochland 44, 1951-1952, S. 481-493. Die englische und deutsche Fassung dieser Rede Guardinis weichen an der von Arendt zitierten Stelle in der Aussage voneinander ab."
  2. Thornton Wilder bei Guardini, in: Der christliche Sonntag, Freiburg, 1953, 9, 1.3. [Mercker 2727] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
  3. Guardini - Urs von Balthasar (Leserbrief), in: Der christliche Sonntag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 5, 1953, 20 (17. Mai 1953), S. 160 [Gerner 271] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
  4. Georg Götsch: Musische Bildung, Wolfenbüttel 1953, Band 2 [Gerner 237] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]; zu Romano Guardini:
    1. S. 107: Guardini stellt sich Götschs „Märkischer Spielgemeinde“ als Mitglied des „Rates der Freunde und Förderer“ zur Verfügung neben Paul Kaestner, Ludwig Pallat, Eduard Spranger, Gertrud Bäumer, Robert von Erdberg, Fritz Jöde und Fritz Klatt
  5. Johannes Hessen: Universitätsreform. Mit einem Anhang. Neonazismus an deutscher Universität?, Düsseldorf 1953, zu Romano Guardini S. 28f. [Gerner 289] - [Monographie] - [noch nicht online]
    1. Enthält Text eines Antrags auf Wiedergutmachung für Prof. Johannes Hessen, eingereicht von den Professoren Kurt Leese, Friedrich Heiler, Hans Pfeil, Aloys Wenzel und Romano Guardini [Gerner 266] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
  6. Manfred Hörhammer: Josef Weiger - 70 Jahre, in: Der christliche Sonntag, Freiburg im Breisgau, 5, 1953, 23 (7. Juni 1953), S. 178 [Gerner 298] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
  7. [Englisch] Max Jordan: The Hidden Truth, in: John A. O´Brien (Hrsg.): The Way to Emmaus. The Intimate Personal Stories of Converts to the Catholic Faith, London 1953, S. 185-205 [neu aufgenommen] - [Artikel] - https://books.google.de/books?id=-FIsAQAAMAAJ; zu Romano Guardini:
    1. S. 192 f.: "... Father Sonnenschein in the meantime had established his headquarters in Berlin. As soon as I could, I called on him. Probably he was the first priest I had ever met more than casually. He was a man in his forties, heavily built, of tense energy. Sitting behind his desk, he constantly held a hand on a card-index file which was his "passkey" to human problems. Hardly anyone among his numerous callers appealed to this selfless man in vain. He went all out to help those in distress. "You are a newspaperman, aren't you?" he inquired searchingly when I entered his office in busy, downtown Berlin. "Yes," I admitted, wondering what he was leading up to. Immediately the good doctor began fingering his file. "Where employed?" he asked without further ado, making quick notes. "Which department? Know anyone of influence? Willing to help people get jobs? Willing to help people get jobs? And on he went, until finally I stopped him. „But, Father,“ I remarked shyly, „I am not a Catholic.“ „Doesn´t matter,“ he replied, dismissing all further objections with a grand gesture. To him everybody was acceptable, provided he or she could be a cog in his big wheel of charity. „And what's more," I went on to say insistently, "I myself need your counsel.” The doctor's jovial face lit up at once. The look from behind his glasses was so penetrating and yet kindly that I felt as though at that moment there was really no one in the whole world he was more concerned with than my modest self. I explained how I had been searching for truth, how since my arrival in Berlin I had heard lectures of distinguished Protestant theologians at the university, how I had made contacts with various sects, just to find out what they had to say, how I was rather impressed by theosophy, how I had studied the mystics. “Of course, Father," I concluded," it is all rather hazy. I need some guidance.“ "Yes , yes," said the doctor, but again he was thumbing his file as though in there he had answers for all my questions. And then he pulled out a card. „Make a note of this. Come to see me again.“ On the card I found an address, the Reverend Romano Guardini's, and his telephone number. In connection with the youth movement I had once been associated with, I had heard that name before. In my student days Guardini was the Guardini was the inspiring leader of Quickborn, a Catholic group of young people who were taking their faith in earnest, and was then teaching at Bonn University. Now he was in Berlin. Soon I attended his crowded lectures, which were events of singular import at a predominantly Protestant university. Here was genuine Catholic doctrine brilliantly presented by a sovereign ..." (muss noch ergänzt werden!!!)
  8. Pionier der Geistesfreiheit, in: Die Neue Zeitung, München, 9, 1953, 26 (31. Januar 1953), S. 2 (Veranstaltungsbericht; Romano Guardini Vizepräsident der Romain-Rolland-Gesellschaft) [Gerner 271] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
  9. Eckart Peterich: Bayerisches Tagebuch, in: Süddeutsche Zeitung, München, 1953, 30 (6. Februar 1953), S. 3, darin über Guardinis Messe und Predigt in St. Ludwig [Gerner 271] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
  10. Friedrich Stegmüller: Karl Braig (1853-1923), in: Oberrheinisches Pastoralblatt, Karlsruhe, 54, 1953, 5 (Mai 1953), S. 120-128, zu Romano Guardini S. 128 [Gerner 285] - [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]