Vorlage:2024 Sekundärbibliographie Philosophie: Unterschied zwischen den Versionen

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
Zeile 5: Zeile 5:
** S. ??? (197 f.):“In addition to Tello, Romano Guardini also played a major role in Pope Francis ' composition of Laudato si'. Years before his elevation to the papacy, Jorge Bergoglio went to the Jesuit Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology near Frankfurt, Sankt Georgen, Germany in 1986. There he intended to write a dissertation on the thought oft he German theologian Guardini, although he had to abandon his studies after just few months. Guardini is quoted explicitly in the body of Laudato si´(e.g., § 203). Guardini´s book The End oft he Modern World is also referenced frequently in the encyclical´s footnotes. Guardini saw „action“ informed by theonomy as the way to overcome the philosophical and actual opposition between matter and spirit. Whelan told me in a personal conversation that he suspected that Guardini´s work may have introduced something that Lonergan would call a „counterposition“ into Pope Francis´ thought; this suspicion would have to be explored more fully using Lonergan´s method.“
** S. ??? (197 f.):“In addition to Tello, Romano Guardini also played a major role in Pope Francis ' composition of Laudato si'. Years before his elevation to the papacy, Jorge Bergoglio went to the Jesuit Graduate School of Philosophy and Theology near Frankfurt, Sankt Georgen, Germany in 1986. There he intended to write a dissertation on the thought oft he German theologian Guardini, although he had to abandon his studies after just few months. Guardini is quoted explicitly in the body of Laudato si´(e.g., § 203). Guardini´s book The End oft he Modern World is also referenced frequently in the encyclical´s footnotes. Guardini saw „action“ informed by theonomy as the way to overcome the philosophical and actual opposition between matter and spirit. Whelan told me in a personal conversation that he suspected that Guardini´s work may have introduced something that Lonergan would call a „counterposition“ into Pope Francis´ thought; this suspicion would have to be explored more fully using Lonergan´s method.“
* [2024-086] [Englisch] [[Paul Collins]]: Digital technology: blessing or curse?, in: [[Pearls and Irritations. John Menadue´s Public Policy Journal]], 2024, 23. August [Artikel] - https://johnmenadue.com/digital-technology-blessing-or-curse/
* [2024-086] [Englisch] [[Paul Collins]]: Digital technology: blessing or curse?, in: [[Pearls and Irritations. John Menadue´s Public Policy Journal]], 2024, 23. August [Artikel] - https://johnmenadue.com/digital-technology-blessing-or-curse/
* [2024-087] [Italienisch] [[Stefano Fontana]]: “Opposizione polare”: Francesco non attinge da Guardini, in: [[Osservatorio internaziona cardinale van Thuân sulla dottrina sociale della chiesa]], 2024, 8. Januar [Artikel] - https://vanthuanobservatory.com/2024/01/08/opposizione-polare-francesco-non-attinge-a-guardini/
* [2024-087] [Italienisch] [[Stefano Fontana]]: “Opposizione polare”: Francesco non attinge da Guardini, in: [[Osservatorio internazionale Cardinale van Thuân sulla dottrina sociale della chiesa]], 2024, 8. Januar [Artikel] - https://vanthuanobservatory.com/2024/01/08/opposizione-polare-francesco-non-attinge-a-guardini/
* [[Papst Franziskus]]:
* [[Papst Franziskus]]:
** [2024-087] [Italienisch] Messaggio di Sua Santità Papa Francesco per la LVIII Giornata Mondiale delle Communicazioni Sociali: Intelligenza artificiale e sapienza del cuore: per una comunicazione pienamente umana, online https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/messages/communications/documents/20240124-messaggio-comunicazioni-sociali.html
** [2024-087] [Italienisch] Messaggio di Sua Santità Papa Francesco per la LVIII Giornata Mondiale delle Communicazioni Sociali: Intelligenza artificiale e sapienza del cuore: per una comunicazione pienamente umana, online https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/it/messages/communications/documents/20240124-messaggio-comunicazioni-sociali.html

Version vom 4. Februar 2025, 10:07 Uhr

Zu: Vom Sinn der Schwermut (1928/1949)


Zu: Paragraph 218 (1947)