Vorlage:2023 Sekundärbibliographie Literatur

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch
  1. [2023-054] [Englisch] Bert Daelemans: Violence Transformed by Art: Five women artists, in: La Civiltà Cattolica English, 2023, 22. September [Artikel] - [noch nicht online]
  2. [2023-055] [Italienisch] Yvonne Dohna Schlobitten: Verso nuovi occhi. L'arte dello sguardo sul tutto, 2023 [Monographie] - [noch nicht online]
  3. [2023-056] [Englisch] Michael O´Connell: Startling Figures: Encounters with American Catholic Fiction, 2023, im Kapitel: Walker Percy and the End of the Modern World (O´Connell verweist auf Einfluss von Guardini und seinem Werk (insbesondere Guardini, Das Ende der Neuzeit) auf Walker Percy) [Monographie] - https://books.google.de/books?id=rubGEAAAQBAJ&pg=PT41
  4. [2023-057] [Englisch] Robert Lazu Kmita: Literature, Truth and Beauty: Or, why “art for art’s sake” is poisonous. Novels, stories, and poems, preoccupied as they are, first and foremost, with the revelation of beauty, demand our capacity to love, in: The Catholic World Report, 2023, 23. September [Artikel] - https://www.catholicworldreport.com/2023/09/23/literature-truth-and-beauty-or-why-art-for-arts-sake-is-poisonous/
  5. [2023-058] [Englisch] Antonio Spadaro: Bergoglio’s Map: Literature in the formation of Pope Francis, in: La Civiltà Cattolica English, 2023, 14. März [Artikel] - https://www.laciviltacattolica.com/bergoglios-map-literature-in-the-formation-of-pope-francis/
    1. "Bergoglio loves tensions, "polar opposites," as Romano Guardini, who was a great interpreter of Dostoevsky and had a great influence on Bergoglio’s thought, called them. [...] Certainly from Guardini he learned that Dostoevsky described the existence of his characters by considering two poles in tension: "the moment of fullness of existence, the undefined, the fluid element elusive to all form, the sudden and unpredictable.""