Gebet um die Einheit im Glauben

Aus Romano-Guardini-Handbuch

526: Gebet um die Einheit im Glauben, Meitingen, Kyrios-Verlag, 1959 (4seitiges Faltblatt) [Gerner 2] (bisher nicht in einer Werkausgabe);

Nachdrucke und Auszüge

Übersetzungen (in mind. 2 Sprachen)

  1. Prayer for Unity in Faith, in: Pax Romana Journal, 6, 1961, 2:
    1. „O Lord , in the beginning Your all - powerful Word created the world . But we are living in the present and we make our response to You in worship and thanks, Over the course of the ages You spoke through Your heralds and made known Your truth to us . Yet when time reached its fullness , Your eternal Word Christ the Lord , came and revealed Your love . . : : . Through Him arises our present hope in You for time and eternity . Grant that Your Word may grip our minds , that we may love Your holy truth and obey Your will . . O Lord , spare us from coldness of heart . Free us from laziness , doubt and spite . Make us conscious of Your love and endow us with Your peace Guide Your Word to those who have not yet accepted it . : Open the ear of their hearts , that they may find understanding and take part in Your Kingdom . And yet , we to whoin Your Word has been spoken , are divided in way and opinion , and our division compromises the holy tidings . It is Your will that faith be one, just as Your truth is one. Make us grieve over so much confusion. Let us feel the power of Your truth, that we may be of …
    2. Auch in: Ecumenical Notes, 1961 ???, Bände 1-4, S. 7 ???
  2. Preghiere per l´ unità, in: L´ Osservatore Romano, 1962, 11. November, S. 2 [neu aufgenommen] -